Cute animals Museum

Facility Overview

Name of business establishment Cute animals Museum
Business location 〒248-0006
2-8-7 Komachi, Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sumino Plaza 3rd floor
Operation Pharma Bridge CO., LTD.
Produced British Antiques Museum BAM Kamakura
Overview This is the first museum in Japan where you can take a close look at and interact with cute creatures in an art space where owls and their friends live among antiques.
The art space incorporates an interior produced by the British Antiques Museum and an abundance of paintings by artist Ken Matsuda, and through encounters with creatures, we hope to help you think about the importance of life and coexistence with nature, and to create opportunities to enrich your life.

Type 1 animal handling business

Type 1 animal handling business
  • Sales Animal Love No. 240175
  • Storage Animal Protection No. 240176
  • Rental vehicle No. 240177
  • Exhibition Animal Love No. 240178
Date of registration October 17, 2024
Last day of validity October 16, 2029
Animal handling officer Kanae Yamanaka